10 Best JavaScript Games Code To Practice In 2023

With its versatility, Javascript is widely used in the development of web applications, mobile apps and games. As a programming language, Javascript is a popular choice among developers, and not just for its functionality but also as a development platform.

Over time, Javascript has gained huge popularity among programmers owing to its many benefits in programming.

It enables the creation of interactive programs and animations making it possible for individuals to create Javascript Games and other applications independently without the need for external assistance from companies or individuals.

Best and Simple JavaScript Games

Let’s play, learn and build your own JavaScript games.

1. Snake Game In JavaSript

Snake Game Using JavaScript
Author:Ibrahim Fariat
Made with:HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Demo link:Codepen

2. Bulleye Game In JavaSript

Bullseye Game Using JavaScript
Author:Elliot Geno
Made with:HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Demo link:Codepen

3. Tic Tac Toe Game In JavaSript

Tic Tac Toe Game In JavaScript
Author:Andy Milne
Made with:HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Demo Link:Codepen

4. Block Ninja Game In JavaScript

Block Ninja Game In JavaScript
Author:Caleb Miller
Made withHTML, CSS and JavaScript
Demo link:Codepen

5. Tower Blocks Game In JavaScript

Tower Blocks Game Using JavaScript
Author:Steve Gardner
Made with:HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Demo link:Codepen

6. SpaceShip Game In JavaScript

SpaceShip Game Using JavaScript
Author:Ali BARIN
Made with:HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Demo link:Codepen

7. Color Blast Game In JavaScript

Color Blast Game In JavaScript
Author:Nate Wiley
Made with:HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Demo link:Codepen

8. Coloron Game In JavaScript

Coloron Game In JavaScript
Author:Greg Hovanesyan
Made with:HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Demo link:Codepen

9. Infinite Runner Game In JavaScript

Infinite Runner Game In JavaScript
Author:Eduardo Lopes
Made with:HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Demo link:Codepen

10. Pong Game In JavaScript

Pong Game in JavaScript
Author:Gabriel Dubé
Made with:HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Demo code:Codepen

I hope you found this list informative. Also, You will enjoy playing these JavaScript games when you feel bored. You can also study their codes and make your own version of JavaScript games.

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